In our workshops we facilitate groups of up to 25 people - singles or couples - setting up a Constellation.
The process begins with your questions. We would start with helping you to unravel what the issues and intentions are currently in your life. For example, you may be suffering with an illness or trying to find your way with your partner or struggling with your children. Perhaps its not that clear; it could be just a vague sense that life is not working for you or that no matter where you go or what you take on, there’s this feeling of not belonging, not being in the right place. In that case, the Constellation process itself can answer questions and bring clarity.
From there, you will have an opportunity to select other workshop participants to represent your relatives, yourself and other relevant relationships depending on the issue presented.
You then would lead each representative to a place in the room, placing the family members in relation to one another, matching the inner, instinctual picture you carry of your family. The use of representatives allows for objectivity and a free and full expression in the moment.
Our workshops are a wonderful opportunity to bring friends and relatives who are interested in this type of work as there will be an introduction and plenty of time for several constellations and questions.